(Google). One of those eight leaders is being notified of relief. "(Robinson) told her he was worried about getting in trouble for violating the Army's fraternization rules since Aguilar was still married to another soldier and he hit Guillen in the head with a hammer.". [2][23] Aguilar told police that Robinson had confessed to her that he had killed a female soldier at Fort Hood. Extensive bone fracturing, sharp force damage and one likely saw cut found on the remains were consistent with dismemberment. You can check out its website here. Robinson died by suicide shortly after her remains were discovered. The late Spc. Her family initially noted that Vanessa seemed concerned soon after being stationed at Fort Hood in Texas, saying that things arent always as they seem. She started losing weight and, her mother noted that Vanessa informed her that she was being harassed by a superior.. "No one deserves to live the way she did at that military base, and the only thing I have left is to leave her legacy because she deserves it more than anyone else.". Officials arrested Aaron Robinson, an army specialist, and his girlfriend, Cecily Aguilar, for the murder of Vanessa Guillen. The documents say he then hid her body in a large box, which he and Aguilar later tried to dismember and burn. Mayra Guillen, second from left, listens as sister Lupe Guillen speaks on Capitol Hill about the April 22, 2020, murder of their sister, Army Spc. Vanessa Guillen", "Foul play suspected in Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen's disappearance", "Vanessa Guillen search: Lawmaker suspects foul play in the disappearance of Texas soldier", "Fort Hood says they have found no connection with sexual harassment and Guillen's disappearance", "Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia hosts virtual update on Vanessa Guilln case", "She 'never made it out of the Army alive': Affidavit details killing of Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen", "Remains of missing soldier Vanessa Guilln identified by Army, family says", "Vanessa Guillen killed with hammer and her body mutilated, affidavit says", "New court documents in Vanessa Guillen's case reveal possible motive for murder", "Public's Help Sought in Locating Fort Hood Soldier", "Army Senior Leaders Update Reporters on U.S. Army Response to COVID-19", https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/30/politics/vanessa-guillen-family-donald-trump/index.htmlM, "Army punishes 14 senior officers after murder and other deaths at Fort Hood", "Texas woman pleads guilty to role in Vanessa Guillen's death", "Houston artists pay tribute to Vanessa Guillen", "New mural pays tribute to Vanessa Guillen in her neighborhood", "Mayor Turner honors Vanessa Guillen with visit to mural", "Fort Hood unveils gate and plaque honoring Vanessa Guilln", "Fort Hood names gate after slain Spc. Vanessas bones, hair, and other remains were found at the end of June, according to The Times. Heres what you need to know. "She was a person to be strong and from those two criteria, I've learned till this day, and especially during her disappearance and death, to not give up to fight and to be brave enough to speak up, because she wasn't given the right to speak up," she said. ", Graham Kates is an investigative reporter covering criminal justice, privacy issues and information security for CBS News Digital. Vanessas disappearance and death quickly inspired a call to action and legislation titled the "I Am Vanessa Guillen Act," which tried to address the response of the Department of Defense to sex-related offenses committed against members of the Armed Forces, including allowing a member to confidentially allege a complaint of sexual harassment to an individual outside the immediate chain of command of that member, per the act. Natalie is the family's attorney, and she's been working with them to file a $35 million wrongful death claim against the Army, per the Texas Tribune. 2022 Cox Media Group. What are your views on this article? Vanessa Guillen saw his married girlfriends photo on the Fort Hood soldiers phone before she was killed and mutilated in April 2020. Guillen, 20, was last seen in the parking lot of her barracks at the Texas Army base April 22, CID said. This station is part of Cox Media Group Television. Prosecutors said Vanessa Guillen was bludgeoned to death with a hammer by Robinson in the armory of the Killeen, Texas, military base, on April 22, 2020, according to the criminal complaint. Police say they found traces of blood in the room as well as a toolkit that was missing a hammer. McCarthy named five civilians to be part of the review of the command climate and culture at the base and in the surrounding military community around Fort Hood. Robinson, 20, killed himself on Wednesday after police confronted him in Killeen, according to US Army Criminal Investigation Command, which calls itself CID. Robinson's girlfriend, Cecily Aguilar, was arrested and indicted by a grand jury under charges related to tampering with documents and Vanessa's body at the district court in Waco, Texas. Ultimately, only one person, Cecily Aguiler, has been charged in relation to Guilln's death, with her suspected killer, fellow soldier Aaron Robinson, 20, never facing the courts after he died by suicide on July 1, 2020. Carrie Ricci, an associate general counsel for the U.S. Department of Agriculture who also served on the panel, said interviews revealed that victims experienced "reluctance, and that feeling that we won't be believed.". The investigation into Guillens disappearance is separate from another into her familys claim that she was sexually harassed. After knowing the reason behind the horrible death of Vanessa and the fact that Aguilar was reported to be the girlfriend of Aaron David Robinson, a specialist ranked enlisted soldier who was one of the last known people to see Guilln on the day of her disappearance and who had previously been interviewed by investigators. (U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command). Vanessa Guillen Murder: What you need to know Pfc. Our hearts are broken. 4-How old was Venessa Guillen when she was killed? While law enforcement agencies attempted to make contact with the suspect in Killeen, Texas, Specialist Robinson displayed a weapon and took his own life, CID Senior Special Agent Damon Phelps said at a news conference on Thursday. Those witnesses were Aguilars estranged husband, Keon Aguilar, and a friend, the recent court documents state. "[27], A mural in honor of Guilln was created in her hometown of Houston by a local artist. Read the full report at this link or read below: Featured photo: People look at a mural of slain Army Spc. Two witnesses then said that on the same day she disappeared, they saw Robinson pulling a large tough box that appeared very heavy in weight, per The Times. According to court filings, Pfc. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. If this could happen to Vanessa, this can happen to any one of our sisters, daughters and mothers. He was scheduled to be discharged within days of his disappearance, the Army said. and worldwide are curious to know about Vanessa Guillen and how she died. Tokenomics & Price, Skills To Become a Successful Entrepreneur During the College, A Complete Guide to Pass ECES Certification Exam. She claimed Robinson would go into moods in which he would not be his normal self and have a tic. TFO Ray asked Aguilar if Robinson ever physically abused her to which she replied, He has never raised a hand at me, the report read. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh). The Guillen familys lawyer, Natalie Khawam, told Army Times that she was sickened with Aguilars frivolous filings, but that she didnt believe Aguilar would be successful in her attempts to get the evidence against her thrown out. [2], Aguilar was arrested by Texas Rangers and held at the Bell County Jail. When Guilln's remains were found, Robinson was being held at his unit for violating COVID-19 quarantine rules. Get the latest in military news, entertainment and gear in your inbox daily. Mayra also said she was not convinced by Aguilars confession and the alleged motive Robinson had to attack and kill her Guillen. She previously worked at Axios covering breaking news. Editors note: This story contains graphic details of a violent crime. Army officials said on Friday that a total of 21 Army officers or noncommissioned officers have been implicated in the two reports on Fort Hood. The gate is also the main entry point to the 3rd Cavalry Regiment, where Guilln worked in an arms room as a small arms repairer. This shouldnt have happened. A- Venessa was 20 years old when Aaron Robinson killed her. And apparently now, he kills himself. "Guillen saw Robinson's cell phone lock screen, which contained a picture of Aguilar," say documents cited by KCENTV. The Guillen family have become advocates against violence on military bases since the homicide. She decided to enlist in the Army at age 18, according to The New York Times. Before Guilln went missing, she had told her family that she was being sexually harassed by an unnamed sergeant at Fort Hood,[15] and that complaints by other female soldiers made against the sergeant had been dismissed. https://www.scribd.com/document/505621662/Guillen-Fort-Hood-Investigation-Findings-and-Recommendations-CG-Action-Memo-Redacted-Redacted-29-Apr-21. 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. So keep reading this article to know, In August 2022, Natalie Khawam, Guillens family Lawyer because of Vanessas. Guilln was stationed at Fort Hood, a U.S. Army installation in Bell County, Texas, which is approximately 340 square miles (880km2) in size and home to III Corps and the First Cavalry Division. Vanessa Guillen was a 20-year-old army specialist murdered at Fort Hood. Keon was suspicious because he felt like there would have been no reason for Robinson to take the case unless he was stealing tools, according to the document. On July 2, a charge was brought against another soldier at Fort Hood, Aaron The Army suspended Major General Jeffrey Broadwater and Command Sergeant Major Thomas C. Kenny, pending the outcome of a new investigation into the 1st Cavalry Division's command climate and program for preventing and responding to sexual harassment and assault. August 13, 2022 by Josephine Danso. Aguilar said Robinson then put a gun to her head and threatened her so she would help him dispose of Guillens body and the incriminating evidence. She was laid to rest in a private funeral in August of 2021, following a massive public service at her Houston high school the day before. Netflix has come up with a new true crime documentary series. Cecily Aguilar will try everything in her power to walk freely, as we are being denied the truth at this very moment.. Vanessa Guillns disappearance and death marked a flashpoint for long-standing issues facing the militarys handling of sexual harassment and assault. (NCD). Aguilar was married but estranged from her husband, who was also a soldier at Fort Hood. In challenging her charges earlier this year, court documents have revealed a potential motive for Guilln's murder at the hands of Robinson. Phelps said investigators were looking into Robinsons interactions with Guillen. Your effort and contribution in providing this feedback is much Vanessa Guillen, 20, who vanished April 22, 2020, from the Texas military base. Guilln's sister Lupe told Newsweek: "The sister relationship that I had with Vanessa was very tremendous as any other sister relationship. Aguilar, 23, is seeking to have her alleged confession thrown out. Vanessa Guillen was bludgeoned to death with a hammer in the armory room where she worked, an attorney for Guillen's family said on Thursday. The documentary details Vanessa's horrifying death and the steps her family took in the aftermath to create change. Robinson told investigators the contact involved the serial numbers for the equipment Guillen was working on. We can and must hold ourselves accountable, learn and improve across all our Army units, Garrett said in the release. After she went missing in April, her car keys, room key, identification card and wallet were found in an armory room where she was working that day. How Did Vanessa Guillen Die: Does Aaron Robinson Killed Her? Robinson said he did not conduct any small talk with Guillen, whom he said he knew only through their job functions. Aguilar is currently being held as a federal inmate at the McLennan County Jail in Waco. Guilln, who was 20 years old, disappeared on April 22. Over the course of a year-and-a-half, CBS News spoke to nearly two dozen sexual assault survivors from all branches of the military who say their allegations were brushed aside and they were retaliated against for reporting their assaults. On July 30, McCarthy directed the establishment of an Independent Review Committee to review the culture at Fort Hood. Court documents say that Robinson told Aguilar he repeatedly "bludgeoned" Vanessa in the head with a hammer at Fort Hood, and that she died from the wounds. Vanessa Guillen told her family she was being sexually harassed. Fellow soldier Aaron Robinson killed Guillen, 20, after she saw a picture of a married woman on his phone, according to the Texas Department of Public Safety. "Aguilar later explained [during her confession in 2021] why Robinson killed Guilln saying Guilln saw Robinson's cellphone lock screen, which contained a picture of Aguilar," the Texas Department of Public Safety said in a report on May 24, 2022. We demand the truth, attorney Natalie Khawam said in a statement. There is no credibility to Cecily Aguilars words, and its a shame that theres an opportunity for this criminal to defend herself after what she did to my sisters body, Guillen told the news station. She was last seen in the parking lot of Fort Hood army base near Killeen, Texas on April 22, 2020, around lunchtime. Cecily Aguilar is a suspect in Vanessa Guillen's disappearance. While authorities have not confirmed it, Guillens family believes the remains belong to their missing loved one, they said at a news conference. Aguilar pleaded not guilty on all counts, and her trial begins on Jan. 3, 2023, per KHOU11. Vanessa Guillen has moved veterans around the country to tell their story. "[46], During the December8 Pentagon press conference McCarthy said that Guilln's murder "shocked our conscience and brought attention to deeper problems" at Fort Hood and across the Army more widely. About three-quarters of the soldiers interviewed by the panel were women. Aguilar later explained why Robinson killed Guillen, saying Guillen saw Robinsons cellphone lock screen, which contained a picture of Aguilar, the Texas DPS document reads. Guilln died in 2020 after going missing from Fort Hood in Texas. [18] CID reported that they found no evidence that Guilln was assaulted, but said investigators believed foul play was involved in her disappearance. [42], On July30, 2020, Guillen's family met with President Donald Trump regarding her murder. She is in Bell County Jail awaiting civilian authorities to press charges, CID said. Phelps said the remains have not been positively identified. Murrays report provides a slew of new details including that Vanessa Guilln was being harassed, but not by Spc. By using this website, you accept the terms of our Visitor Agreement and Privacy Policy, and understand your options regarding Ad Choices. The second time Aguilar and Robinson went to the location, they further dismembered Guillens body and burn(ed) as much as they could, the report states. "I don't want to hear another woman or man was found dead at Fort Hood. The hope, Aguilar told authorities, was that Guillens remains would not be found for several years. Her remains were found burned and hacked into pieces on June 30, 2020, along the Leon River near Belton, where Robinson and his girlfriend, Cecily Anne Aguilar, had encased them in concrete and buried them. But whoever is responsible has to pay, and we demand a congressional investigation, she added. As we have called for investigations and uncovered the truth behind her death, one thing is clear: The Army failed Vanessa Guillen. In addition to the disciplinary actions, McCarthy released findings from an independent review he commissioned in July to assess problems at Fort Hood, with a focus on claims of discrimination, harassment and assault. [23] According to a criminal complaint filed in the Western District Court of Texas, Aguilar allegedly helped Robinson dismember and dispose of Guilln's body on April22, 2020, after Robinson told her he had bludgeoned Guilln to death with a hammer inside the armory. The woman, Kristen Chapa, asked Aguilar about allegations that Robinson may have raped Guillen before her murder. Over two visits to the makeshift gravesite, the pair cut Guillens body into pieces and placed them and her clothing in a black military-style tote box, which they then burned. She is buried at Forest Park Lawndale Funeral Home in southeast Houston, Texas, according to ABC 13. We truly hope Vanessa receives justice. [18] On June13, 2020, hundreds of people assembled at the gates of Fort Hood to protest what organizers felt was a lack of information on the case. The investigation into the death of Army Spec. Her burned and dismembered remains were found June 30, 2020, about 26 miles away near Belton, Texas, on the Leon River. The latest report adds to a narrative that began April 22 when Vanessa Guillen vanished from Fort Hood. He told her he was worried about getting in trouble for violating the Armys fraternization rules since Aguilar was still married to another soldier, and he hit Guillen in the head with a hammer.. Both rooms are located in the basement of the barracks where Guillen lived. [22], On June30, 2020, Army investigators were called in when contractors discovered partial human remains along the Leon River in Belton. The long-awaited report was released Friday. Then they buried the bones and put cement over the bones so they could not be found.. Contact Graham at KatesG@cbsnews.com or grahamkates@protonmail.com, First published on December 8, 2020 / 10:30 AM. The disturbing new details in the case come from a Texas Department of Public Safety report that was filed May 19 in federal court. Cecily Aguilar will try everything in her power to walk freely as we are being denied the truth at this very moment, Guillens sister Mayra toldABC13 News. The authorities confronted him walking along a commercial and residential thoroughfare on the northeast side of the city, a few miles from base. "Cecily Aguilar will try everything in her power to walk freely as we are being denied the truth at this very moment," Mayra said at the time. Vanessa Guillen, 20, who vanished April 22, 2020, from the Texas military base. The outlet also reported that she was an athlete in school, playing soccer and running track as well as cross country. November 22, 2022 by Jacob Emmanuel. Email us atexclusive@the-sun.comor call212 416 4552. She obviously doesnt have any qualms with cutting up a human body into pieces and trying to burn Vanessas body, Khawam said. [40] Guilln's mother stated publicly that she had spoken to witnesses who heard two shots at the moment of Robinson's death, and stated her belief that Robinson was executed by authorities as part of a coverup involving senior members of the military. But who was Vanessa Guillen and what happened to her? (U.S. Army). I went to McDonalds drive-thru for lunch but left with bags of cash instead, Biden, Harris photo-op with Warriors team takes awkward turn: 'I'm not doing that', Prince Harry roasted at Critics Choice Awards 2023, Pamela Anderson: Tommy Lee divorce crushed me during lowest point of life, Madonna covers Vanity Fair Icon Issue amid 2023 tour announcement, Russell Simmons shows off weird AF dance moves at yoga studio in Bali, Nick Sirianni's update on the status of Eagles' star QB Jalen Hurts, The Fabelmans Flops on Jeopardy After All 3 Contestants Fail to Name Spielbergs Film, Wife of 'Boy Meets World' star William Daniels details 'painful' 'open marriage'. The murder of Vanessa Guilln, a 20-year-old United States Army soldier, took place inside an armory at Fort Hood, Texas, on April 22, 2020, when she was bludgeoned to death by another soldier, Aaron David Robinson. Guillen had been working at the armory room on Fort Hood with Robinson the day she disappeared. Protein to PHP {Nov 2021} How To Buy? As officers attempted to make contact with the suspect, the suspect displayed a weapon and discharged it toward himself. Vanessa Guillen Autopsy Results. Vanessa Guillen is seen in April 2021, a year after she was slain and her body found buried here along FM 436 near Belton, Texas. Robinson, 20, killed himself June 30, 2020, as investigators moved in to arrest him. Vanessa Guillen autopsy report. The new policy allows commanders to classify missing soldiers for up to two days as "absent-unknown" while trying to determine if the soldier left their post voluntarily. "The findings of the committee identified major flaws with the Sexual Harassment and Assault Response Prevention Program from implementation, reporting, and adjudication; fundamental issues with the Fort Hood Criminal Investigation Command field office activities that led to unaddressed problems on Fort Hood; and finally, a command climate at Fort Hood that was permissive of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault," McCarthy said, adding later that he has "decided to accept all these findings in whole. Is in Bell County Jail awaiting civilian authorities to press charges, CID said so they could not be normal... Aguilar is currently being held at his unit for violating COVID-19 quarantine rules daughters and.... Being harassed, but not by Spc Safety report that was missing hammer... The barracks where Guillen lived violent crime it toward himself since the.... Texas military base the recent court documents state before she was killed and mutilated April... 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